Friday, November 28, 2008

Monster Crafts

The day after Thanksgiving is such a perfect day to spend time with your family. All of the cooking is done, leftovers are at the ready and most people have the day off of work. I usually spend time working on the weekends, but with Saturday & Sunday still on the horizon I found myself relaxed and in no hurry to work today. After a morning trip to the Children's Museum to entertain my 2-year old, I took the rare opportunity to spend time with my older son during nap-time. There was some serious fun to be had in my studio making monsters. I thought it would be a good idea to start making some Christmas gifts, so we drew pictures of monsters. The pictures were sweet, but we needed more, so Jackson named his monster "Bob" and wrote a story about him.

We took our image of "Bob" and used him as a pattern to make a stuffed monster, cutting two pieces for the body (front & back). Jackson chose the fabric that he wanted "Bob" to be made of, and I sewed the eyes, mouth, and arms to the front piece. Once all of the little bits were sewn together we placed the back of his body face down on the front of the body, and sewed it all together (except for one little spot in order to turn it inside out & stuff it).

Stuffing the little guy was the most fun, because he really came to life. Once he was all stuffed I sewed the little opening shut with a few stitches & voila we had a little monster with a story. Jackson will give this little gift to his brother, but he loved the project so much that he insisted on making more for himself. We might need to make a few more for his friends as well.

p.s. If you look closely you'll notice that Jackson is wearing a B Hive Designs shirt.......and I did not even ask him to, what a good son!

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