Tuesday, June 16, 2009

hooray for summer......

there is nothing better than summer. i can't think of anything better than a carefree summer day....really. the family and i kicked things off right with a camping trip near mt. hood this last weekend. it was such a beautiful location, filled with our friends, their children, and simple pleasures. my boys were busy the entire weekend exploring the woods, balancing on log bridges, making boats to float down a small stream, hiking, laughing, and roasting marshmallows.

the best part about camping is that very little parenting is required. my children rarely asked for anything, including food. they were very content to play, and explore the freedom of the outdoors. they made boats and played on a small bridge for hours at a time. the bridge was just far enough away from camp for the boys to feel a bit of independence, and it was just near enough to camp to keep an eye on them. of course this did not prevent the little one from falling head first into the stream.

this small business of mine keeps my weekends very busy. as you can see from my list of events in a previous post, i am working most weekends during the summer. family time on the weekends is a luxury for me during the warm months. but this year you might find someone else working for me at some of these events, so that i can cherish a few more moments like this with my family.

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