Monday, September 21, 2009

finally a break & some crafts

you have no idea how relieved i was to finish working on saturday. the alberta street fair was, as usual, a very spirited event.....with a punk rock marching band to boot. i was not very optimistic when i arrived at the event on saturday morning. it was raining and miserable. but, just like the weather man reported the sun came out just in time for the parade. i sold most of my items, which was a pleasant surprise, and I happily packed up my tent for the last time this year....hooray!

so, what does a girl do when she finally has a day off? why make stuff of course! i was so excited to finally have a day off on sunday, that i immediately went to work on some invitations for a baby shower that i am hosting in october. a good friend of mine is going to have her first child, and it's going to be a girl. i am so excited for her and her husband, and i am also thrilled to have a reason to buy girly things.

this project also gave me a reason to use my gocco. if you don't know what a gocco is, it is one of the best small inventions ever. i love this little thing so much, and it's days are almost numbered (checkout save gocco and read all about it). anyway, this is a little screen-printer that was made in japan up until a few years ago. the company that made the supplies for the little gocco has stopped production of supplies and has shipped its last amount of inventory as of last december. so, much like the polaroid (although that is coming back now), it will soon be a thing of the past. needless to say, i am only using my supplies for special occasions, and this baby shower is definitely just that, very special.

the thing that i love the most about the gocco, is that it is so easy to use. i can make a screen and start printing in under 4 minutes, and it is child friendly! last year a number of neighborhood children used my gocco to make a bundle of christmas gifts :) for this project i printed invitations, thank you notes for the the mom-to-be, and with the extra ink and scraps of paper left over from cutting i printed some gift tags......all of it, just too cute for words......not to mention the lovely pink and chocolate brown color scheme. i can't wait for my friend to receive her little package of goodies. there will be a few more posts about this event, because i have some super craftiness planned that you just might want to read about.

p.s. WWNRD?...she would use recycled card stock, water based ink, re-purposed ribbon...oh, and she would call it card camp!

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